Things to Consider After Obesity Surgery

Obesity surgery is a weight loss method that allows people who are obese enough to negatively affect their health to lose weight permanently. In order to have obesity surgery, it is necessary to have some qualifications. Not everyone can say “I’m going to have obesity surgery” and have an operation. The primary condition is that the body mass index is over 40 or over 35 and the presence of additional diseases such as diabetes, heart and blood pressure. The person should not have an alcohol problem and should be mentally stable. On the other hand, obesity surgery cannot be performed on children under the age of 11, and it is not recommended for those under the age of 16.

If you meet all these conditions, you can have obesity surgery. However, there are question marks in the minds of those who are considering surgery. The first of these is “Will I gain weight again after obesity surgery?” comes the question. The success of a bariatric surgery indicates reaching the targeted weight and getting rid of existing additional diseases. In order to reach the targeted weight, the post-operative process is as important as the surgery. Therefore, some points should be considered after the operation.

In fact, there are two important points to be considered: eating healthy and doing sports… “If I could do these things, I would not have surgery.” you can say. It is much easier to take care of them after the surgery than before the surgery. If we need to give an example from the most common sleeve gastrectomy surgery; In this surgery, 80 percent of the stomach is removed and a shrinkage occurs in the stomach. (Which is why it is popularly known as stomach reduction surgery.) In this way, stomach capacity is reduced. In addition, the fundus part is included in the 80 percent part taken. Fundus is the part where hunger hormone is secreted. Thus, your feeling of hunger will also decrease. So it will be easier for you to pay attention to nutrition. In addition, if you do the exercises recommended by your doctor, it is ESSENTIAL that you will lose your target weight.

Nutrition After Obesity Surgery

First of all, you should give up drinks with excess calories, which do not contribute to weight loss. Instead of such drinks, you can consume freshly squeezed fruit juices, provided that you do not overdo it.

Sugar causes weight gain due to its high calories, increases blood sugar and increases the feeling of hunger. That’s why you should stay away from sugar.

Carbonated drinks… These include not only cola and derivative drinks, but also soda. Because carbonated drinks can cause sudden pressure in the stomach after the surgery and can damage the surgery area. It should not be drunk, especially in the first 3 months. We recommend that you follow your doctor’s recommendations in this regard.

You should drink plenty of water. However, be sure to drink the water before eating.

You should not consume only high-calorie snacks that do not benefit you in terms of nutritional value.

You should make your meals protein-heavy. Protein keeps you full and helps you gain muscle instead of fat.

You should chew a lot of food before swallowing it. In the near future after the surgery, you will be given liquid foods first and then soft foods. You will gradually switch to solid foods. Your doctor will share nutritional recommendations with you.

You should try not to include carbohydrate-heavy foods such as white bread, pasta and rice in your meals.

Sports After Obesity Surgery

You will be hosted in the hospital for a few days after the obesity surgery. To give an example from sleeve gastrectomy surgery, you will usually need to stay in the hospital for 3 days. Sports activities will also start in this period. Of course, with light exercises such as walking… You should take small walks on the day of the surgery. You should continue these walks after you go home, but you should not neglect to rest. You can do your daily work, go to the market, take small walks until the 15th day when light exercises will start. Swimming is a very effective sport for both weight loss and healthy functioning of the whole body. You can swim after the 15th day. Take care to do the exercises recommended by your doctor, especially in the first period. Exercising to lose weight as soon as possible will not benefit you, on the contrary, it will harm you. More active sports are started after 1-2 months. After the first month, you can go to the gym provided that you do not do heavy abdominal movements. Abdominal movements are usually allowed after the 3rd month. However, approval must be obtained after a doctor’s control.

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Hemorroids Laser Treatment

Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty: A Minimally Invasive Approach For The Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are enlarged, bulging veins in and around the anus and the lower rectum. The veins around the anus tend to stretch under an increased pressure. Depending on the locations, hemorrhoids can develop inside the anal canal, known as internal hemorrhoids or at the anal opening, called external hemorrhoids. Contributing factors to the hemorrhoid issues are the excessive straining while having the motions, chronic constipation and sitting in the toilet for a long time period as well as less fiber consumption. Hemorrhoid (internal) issues can be classified according to the severity based on the extent of the prolapse, ranging from grade 1 to 4 meaning that the prolapses may progress and require manual reduction. If these symptoms are left untreated, the prolapse may remain outside of the anus during days and nights. Furthermore, for the external hemorrhoid, the excessive straining may lead to the internal bleeding and become thrombosed (the blot clot has formed in the hemorrhoid). The patient may feel a hard, painful lump outside their anus. If too much pressure builds up in a thrombosed hemorrhoid, it can burst. 

Warning Signs And Symptoms

  • Rectal bleeding (usually painless)
  • Palpable hard lump next to the anus (thrombosed external hemorrhoid) that may cause discomfort and pain
  • Prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoids 
  • Irritation, itchiness or swelling around the anus 

Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty

Laser hemorrhoidoplasty is a relatively new procedure for hemorrhoid treatment in which the hemorrhoidal blood flow is coagulated by the laser. Prior to procedure, patients need to be anesthetized by the anesthesiologist. Subsequently, the procedure will be conducted by the coloproctologist / colorectal surgeon, the laser probe will be inserted into the hemorrhoids. Due to an intense amount of heat, the laser beam cauterizes and seals off the blood vessels, therefore the hemorrhoid will simply shrink while reducing the risk of excessive bleeding during and after the procedure. Since laser hemorrhoidoplasty is a precise procedure, it leaves no effect to the surrounding tissues as well as the anal sphincters.

The Advantages

  • Fewer potential risks and complications
  • Less pain
  • Rapid recovery and return to the daily routine

Lifestyle Modifications To Minimize The Risk For Hemorrhoids

Healthy bowel habits and lifestyle modifications can significantly lower the risk for hemorrhoids. 

  • Avoid sitting in the toilet for too long (longer than 5-10 minutes), e.g. reading a book and using mobile phone, as it may increase the pressure on the hemorrhoids.
  • Do not hold in stool when the urge comes to hard stool and difficult bowel movements. 
  • Avoid excessive straining.
  • Taking high-fiber diet e.g. fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water, at least 6-8 cups per day to help keep stools soft.

Recurrent hemorrhoids are considerably common. However, the severity might be varied. Among the several treatment options, the most appropriate approach for each patient will be discussed in detail with the coloproctologist / colorectal surgeon who will definitely take clinical presentations, disease severity and patient’s overall health conditions and concerns into account.   

Laser hemorrhoidoplasty is considered a minimally invasive procedure for hemorrhoid treatment. The procedure allows the patient to achieve the best possible outcomes with minimal discomfort, rapid recovery. The patient will return to daily routine quicker with a good quality of life.

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Gastric Balloon

The ‘balloon’ in the Intragastric Balloon System is a soft, deflated device made of latex-free silicon-based material. It is referred to as an ‘intragastric’ or ‘gastric’ balloon because it will remain in your stomach for a period of time after we pass the deflated material through your mouth, esophagus, commonly called the food pipe, into your stomach. Conventionally, the expandable balloon is inserted into your stomach by using an endoscope, a thin, flexible tubular instrument with a camera and light attached to it, which allows us to view inside your body.  However, with technological advancements, there are swallowable intragastric pills that do not call for an endoscopic procedure for the insertion of the inflatable balloon.

The ‘balloon’ in the Intragastric Balloon System is a soft, deflated device made of latex-free silicon-based material. It is referred to as an ‘intragastric’ or ‘gastric’ balloon because it will remain in your stomach for a period of time after we pass the deflated material through your mouth, esophagus, commonly called the food pipe, into your stomach. Conventionally, the expandable balloon is inserted into your stomach by using an endoscope, a thin, flexible tubular instrument with a camera and light attached to it, which allows us to view inside your body.  However, with technological advancements, there are swallowable intragastric pills that do not call for an endoscopic procedure for the insertion of the inflatable balloon.

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Hemorrhoidal Disease

Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).

Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).

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Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair occurs when a hair that’s been removed starts to grow back and curves into the skin. Shaving, tweezing or waxing can cause this to happen. An ingrown hair can cause tiny, swollen bumps on the skin that may hurt. The condition most often affects Black people with curly hair who shave.

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Incisional Hernia

An incisional hernia is a protrusion of tissue that forms at the site of a healing surgical scar. This type of hernia accounts for 15-20 percent of all abdominal hernias. Turkey our expert surgeons are highly trained all facets of incisional hernia repair.

An incisional hernia is a protrusion of tissue that forms at the site of a healing surgical scar. This type of hernia accounts for 15-20 percent of all abdominal hernias. Turkey our expert surgeons are highly trained all facets of incisional hernia repair.

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Hernia Surgery

Hernia; It is the sagging of the internal organs with a pouch as a result of the weakening of the muscles in the abdomen. When hernia is mentioned, hernias that occur in the abdomen usually come to mind. However, hernia may occur in the waist and neck region due to orthopedic problems.

Hernia; It is the sagging of the internal organs with a pouch as a result of the weakening of the muscles in the abdomen. When hernia is mentioned, hernias that occur in the abdomen usually come to mind. However, hernia may occur in the waist and neck region due to orthopedic problems.

Hernia; It is the sagging of the internal organs with a pouch as a result of the weakening of the muscles in the abdomen. When hernia is mentioned, hernias that occur in the abdomen usually come to mind. However, hernia may occur in the waist and neck region due to orthopedic problems.

Hernia; It is the sagging of the internal organs with a pouch as a result of the weakening of the muscles in the abdomen. When hernia is mentioned, hernias that occur in the abdomen usually come to mind. However, hernia may occur in the waist and neck region due to orthopedic problems.

Hernia; It is the sagging of the internal organs with a pouch as a result of the weakening of the muscles in the abdomen. When hernia is mentioned, hernias that occur in the abdomen usually come to mind. However, hernia may occur in the waist and neck region due to orthopedic problems.

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